Saturday 11 May 2013

The Importance of being unimportant .

There's nothing special about this clock , the case is like so many other mass produced case's made form the lesser Mahogany's with brass columns on brass ball feet  , the works even more so being the kind at one time that flooded the European market at the turn of the 20th Century  and the face a simple affair that has no name  to show who proudly made this beloved family heirloom.
What sets this clock apart is its history unlike any other, this clock so simple and so unimportant looking was handed down to its present owners with the tail that it was given to his father by Admiral of the Fleet Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of BurmaKGGCBOMGCSIGCIEGCVO,DSOPCFRS otherwise know as Lord Mountbatten Viceroy of India . For services rendered whilst he was in the viceroys employment .
Everything has a History weather in time , person or place everything lends something to a piece to give it a character and charm .

Friday 3 May 2013

Bank Holidays !

How come there are so many bank holidays in this country ?????
When they first came about in the late 19th century there job was to allow the masses a break from the drudge and gloom of a 7 day week all except those of us who are as we like to call it " SELF INFLICTED !!!! "
I really can't remember the last time i had a bank holiday off , they even had a special one a couple of years back for the Royal wedding , which didn't make any difference to us at 8am the open sign went on the door and 10 hours later it came off just like any other day .
It's the thought of sitting in traffic on a busy Friday afternoon shuffleing along at a snails pace i don't get ?
With Kids and wives , dogs and rabbits we see them mile after mile all with that same look of desperation on there faces hoping no willing the car in front will move 40 feet without its break lights coming on , praying the car doesn't overheat and leave them stranded on a grassy verge waiting for the AA man to come to their rescue .
All for that 3 day break which honestly and truthfully after you take in the 12 hours it takes you to travel 100 miles there and back surrounded by people doing the same , 3 hours to sort out your tent/caravan  the endless hours of wondering if you've packed everything you need even though there are shops just up the way that sell everything you'll need makes you think is it really worth it .
Well take it from me when your walking along the beach with sand in your Ice Cream , the waves lapping against your flip flops , and the beginnings of a t-shirt suntan there is no price you can put on your freedom even if it is just for 3 days ! Happy Bank Holiday

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Llanrwst's legacy

Through out the century's it seems that provincial towns and there trades are lost in mists of time .
Take Llanrwst a small market town that nestles along the banks of the river Conwy hugging the hills and mountains of the Snowdonia National Park arguably one of the most stunning beautiful areas of Britain .
These days more well known as a mountain bikers paradise that runs through the forests along the Marin trail than the beautiful furniture once made by local craftsmen in the town out of the timbers grown up on the hill .
One of the family dynasty's that set this wonderful little town on the map is the Owen family , a family of clock makers who for almost 100 years set the provincial clock making market alight .
The family business started by John Owen went from strength to strength using local joiners and carpenters who's skills in making stunning clock case's developed with each order for a case that came through they produced master pieces far ahead of their time using techniques that where exclusive to themselves the family over the years produced hundreds if not thousands of time pieces that exude quality and style .