Saturday 20 July 2013

" 90 years old if a day "

Mrs Roberts is " 90 years old if a day ! " a lovely little old lady who use to be a district nurse in Llanrwst  with bubblegum hair and a twinkle still in her eye's she quite happily bumbles past the shop always seeming on a mission , with never a bad word spoken or one heard she is like the perfect Grandmother stern when needed , but caring always willing to give of her time to others .
Somewhat flustered and sad young Mrs Roberts came to the shop on Thursday , her grandson coming over to look after her house while she was in hospital had lost the keys to her Edwardian display cabinet and she needed to get into there Not to worry I said i'll be over at 3 with a box of keys to come and sort it out for you .
So off i set 250 keys in my box ready to do battle, trying each key one at a time for 40 minutes I finally find the right one with 4 left in the box , in that 40 minutes I felt like I was sitting with my Nanna just chatting bubbles and remembering the time so long ago with fondness .
Having done the job I got up to leave and she reached for her purse . " How much do I owe you ? " she asked " your ok my love " i said " your a town girl we look after them where i come from . "
"No I must give you something wait right there !!! " with that she disappeared saying " hold on I have some chocolates somewhere don't move "
I stood where I was told with a smile on my face remembering my own Grandmother saying the same type of thing till she popped her head around the door frame to tell me she'd run out of chocolates buts she's found 2 shiny Apples that I can have .
Holding the apples in front of her as she came back into the room I declined them gracefully and said she should keep them to help build up her strength as one day if ever my car where to run out of petrol or break down  I might need a push and she would be the first person I would ask .
The moral of the story is " In this world so much goes by that we cant ever change so if we get the chance to help someone , to make someone smile or just to ease the sadness in someones heart , take 5 minutes of your time and make a difference " .