Saturday 31 August 2013

" Some times like Don Quixote we chase after windmils ! "

When you get a call to an old farm house the excitement builds with each and every step it takes to cross the court yard , hoping and praying that when you walk through that open door you are greeted by the most wonderful of pieces of furniture captured in time ,well today was our day .
Our day to get the call , Our day to get the farmhouse , Our day to step back in time to be greeted by perfection !!!!
Well not quite you see it was all going well when we walked into the house there were good signs that we might have found the beauty within when the door opened and stood in front of us was an Oak Welsh dresser circa 1780 I must admit very pretty but in need of some TLC as for some years before it had seen the actions of a deranged man who had far to much time on his hands and a set of carving chisels probably a those long nights and virgin timbers had been way to much for him so in 1860ish off he went on his reign of stupidity .
Next to it there stood a white dial longcase clock again in need of a good brush with the TLC wand its dial almost pail from over cleaning its case in need of lots of over cleaning but never the less a clock .
From one room to another we passed turning each corner to be confronted by one item after another each one had fallen to the hand of the master idiot , he who must carve everything till we reach the inner most sanctum , that room that was kept for best only to be used when the local vicar came around or members of the church happened by .
The smoke from the open fire hung heavy in this room its smell like a camp fire seemed to hit the back of you throat like a 60 a day mans breath , with the curtains partially drawn letting in little light the room held an air of mystery and excitement and then we saw her .
Standing no more than 6ft tall by 4 ft wide there she was in all her naked glory laid bare before us , in front of the photos of judging relatives from years gone by there yellowing eyes glaring down at us .
The tension built , you could feel the excitement growing turning our tummys to knots that tingling sensation that you got when you where excited at Christmas , longing , no hoping , NO praying that this was our chance !!!! our chance to discover that one beautiful piece of Iconic Welsh furniture that which would immortalize us in Welsh folk law for years to come as saviors for discovering such beauty !!!

Well remember that part when I said it was going so well ????

 All I can say is if youve got nothing better to do with your evening don't go out and buy a set of carving chisels !!!!