Thursday 1 November 2012

Evel Knievel.

Must admit over the years i found that life is very much like an evel knievel stunt bike toy ! The harder you winde, the faster you go, the more excited you get , the more likely it is to fall off the stand before you've pressed the trigger flying into the wall rather than the ramp of books you spent age's building , leaving your hopes dashed and feeling disappointed.
For me as i tell my children its how you react to these problems that's what defines you as a person most people see 2 ways around these problems 1st to throw evel into the bin 2nd to put evel back on the winder and go again in the hope you never feel the disappointment again !
 For me there's a 3rd to push the winder to one side and rev evel up by hand along the carpet till it's full charged then let it go flying over the ramp and down the stairs with my scream of joy and excitement trailing after it . ( not to worry he was wearing his crash helmet :O) ! )
So now its time to take on another day and see if we can over come all that's put before us .

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