Monday 4 November 2013

Mysteries of of time .

This is the centre Panel to the top canopy of a mid 18 Century Welsh three tier court cupboard or in Welsh a "Tridarn " .
Considered to be the only truly Welsh piece of furniture these pieces where the for-runners to the Welsh Dressers .
It is said a Tridarn was given in sections from Parents to Daughter over her years firstly they would give the base to hold the daughters belongings when she was young then the centre section when she reached adulthood and finally the canopy when she married Sometimes the couple would have been carved into the top section .
 I have no Idea who "  M & O " were , where they were from , or even what they did but I do know that in 1754 .

The Second Jacobite Rebellion began , it was 2 years before the birth Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart , it was also 6 years before George III became King 15 years before Napoleon Bonaparte was born ,16 years before Captain Cook charted the eastern coast of Australia , 22 years before the US Declaration of independence . 35 years before George Washington became President and 35 years before the French Revolution .

What ever the truth of why these where given we'll never know but it is a lovely tradition if its true and one that once again is lost to the winds of time .

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