Tuesday 29 October 2013

"And like smoke through a keyhole, it was gone "

Quality always sells its a fact !

Some sell quickly some take a while others well the just hand around like an annoying Uncle at a family wedding .
The olden days of selling item off the top of the car as you where pulling into the car park of the showroom have long gone as the Old boys are no longer with us these guys know your routine and if the didn't you'd drop them the wink to let them know what you had and roughly what time you'll be home and just like magic they'd be there on you'r doorstep before you where , these days its all so much more civilized you put your item in the showroom a customer walks past they'd buy it , you deliver it , then all's well with the world .

You can imagine my surprise while setting up a  Llanrwst Watkin Owen Clock when a customer walks inoff the street and says I'll take it , No haggling  , No discount , Just a solid I'll take it , well it wasn't because it sold far from it as I said quality always does and this clock was quality but the speed of which it sold . I hadn't managed to put the hood on it and it was on its way back out of the door  .

It might have been the beautiful colour of the locally grown Oak that was used by the craftsman to create a stunning case its glow when touched by the warmth of the sun was fantastic .

It might have been the wonderful Dial by James Wilson of Birmingham with Birds of paradise flanking the matching diamond cut fingers and corner panels of detailed fruits and flowers .

It might have been the quality of the Owen works its interlocking lifting mechanism being perfected over years of experimenting .

Personally I think it was a Quality piece that was sold with a wonderful guarantee by some one who truly  loves what he does .

In and out in under 5 minutes we like that :)

                                       Watkin Owen Llanrwst Long Case Clock Circa 1795 . (SOLD )

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