Thursday 3 October 2013

An Sympathetic Ear .....

People ask me why I get so passionate about Antiques especially the ones made locally in and around this wonderful little town of ours called Llanrwst.

Could it be there beauty ? maybe there style ? definitely  there age ? or is it because it shows off the way Wales is depicted through its wonderful  cultural history ???????????????????????
Although these are all great reasons there not quite the reason I would have given for my Passionate behaviour that arises from what you don't see as much as what you do .

Ok let me clear up the haze .

Below you'll see a wonderful example of a Llanrwst clock made in 1755 by no other than John Owen .
As you can see its made from the finest , strongest , most beautiful of colours , Welsh Oak  grown right above the town .

Of course beautifully restored by us here at Snowdonia Antiques even though we do say so ourselves .
The finished piece hides a wee secret one that no one might have seen for hundreds of years .

These are the initials of the case maker who built this wonderful provincial clock case and this is why get passionate about pieces .
250 years ago there was a joiner sitting in an Ice cold workshop somewhere in Llanrwst just the way we do today  ,  he worked hard producing wonderful pieces for his customers with limited tools and knowledge of how clocks work but without him clockmakers like John Owen would not have had such wonderful cases for there clocks to be displayed in .
The case makers very rarely got the credit they deserve and faded into history like smoke on the wind .
Noone knows what the I.D that was branded into the back stands for so I'm going to call him Idris Davis and I'm going to lift a glass of Red to him tonight and toast not only work which he made Before George Washington Was America's First President , Marie Antoinette still had a head and  Britain's Empire was stretching across the world  .
I'm going to raise a glass to him knowing that 250 years after he sweated blood sweat and tears making this case there's still a little fella sitting in an Ice cold workshop in Llanrwst fixing it :)

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