Tuesday 15 October 2013

" Tell me officer in your own words ......."

We do get some pieces in for restoration that even confuse us on ho they managed to get into the state there in when they arrive .
Take for instance the Regency Mahogany Triple Chair Back Settee Circa 1815 below .
Its not often we see this kind of damaged , the last time I saw a joint like this it was on the mother in-laws kitchen table trying to pass itself off as Sunday Lunch .
The damage to our surprise was not to just the one side but both front leg joints where blown
Now having seen the damage it was time to find out what the cause was so we can fix the problem .
The owner informed us that she had in her words "Had a go myself ! " with a LITTLE bit of glue so first things first the old glue had to be removed now there are many tricks of the trade on how to do this but we usually stay with the same on ......... Nope we can't tell or you'll all know our secret :)
As you can see from the pictures below a wave of a wand a that magic fairy dust we have in abundance really does work wonders .

Now the moral of this story is if you have a broken piece of furniture and a tube of Youhoo Glue please throw the glue in the bin and take the piece to someone who knows what there doing . :)

P.S The damage to the joints was caused by a lose arm and extra material being added over the original seat covering packing out the seat recess forcing the joints to splay the combined with the arm not being secure put pressure on all the other load baring joints leading the front 2 to fail when weight was applied  i.e someone jumping on it .
P.P.S We still wont tell you how we get rid of the old glue :)

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