Tuesday 8 October 2013

Why settle for less than you deserve ?

It's never about the time its about the vision that goes into the craftsman/woman to see through the problem to get the very best out of the materials laid before them .
Below is the clock works of a Watkin Owen Llanrwst 8 day long case clock slightly worse for wear and in need of a little tlc and a scrub with a good yard brush ( not recommended unless your a professional yard brush scrubber ) .

Even though the works look like there in terrible condition its not really that bad , it doesn't need re-bushing ( Technical term for further details Google it ) nor new wheels cutting or teeth straightening the interlocking lifting mechanism still inter-locks and as it says on the tin still lifts .
The only problem is it just hasn't been looked after , with the soot from an open fire and it not been oiled or serviced for at least 50 years you'll find it will effect the works and the clock will stop .
A clock works is like a car engine , it need Oiling , it needs servicing once ever 2 years is enough to get you the very best out of a works and can save you hundreds of pounds .
Below is the same works the way that it should look .

All our clocks that we sell and restore look like this , the works have to be so clean as to not allow any dirt and grime to interferer with the workings you see the grim can cause extra wear on wheels and cogs that interlock .
If your clock works doesn't look like this when you buy them or have them restored the person you get it from either doesn't know a lot about looking after the works or just doesn't care .

" We Do ..... " :)

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